About Us

Reis Axis provides services to companies and start-ups based in 3 pillars:
  • Practical planning
  • Interactive execution
  • Start-up mentality

Practical Planning

Our Approach

Sounds trivial right? However, it’s astonishing how often strategic planning is designed far away from the front line, without taking into consideration what happens in the client `s point of contact.

The results are usually project plans with beautiful PowerPoints, that 3 or 6 months later need to be redone. That cost companies time, money and demotivate teams.

Our approach is clear:

  • Simple planning
  • Based on actual and available resources
  • Key stakeholders engagement

Interactive Execution

Our Approach

 Lean Six-sigma, Agile, Waterfall, etc… Doesn`t matter the methodology chosen if your core team cannot understand. Or if they don’t see the benefits of how a strategic change could improve their day-by-day routine and results.


Our approach is clear:

  • Translating the overall strategy and methodology into factual and understandable actions
  • Work as spare partners with the execution team
  • Translate actions into measurable KPIs
  • Build management systems that promote best practices sharing

Start-up Mentality

Our Approach

The secret for innovation is to look beyond what is being done in your industry.

Southwest Airlines invented the low-cost airline model not because they want to compete with other airlines, but because they wanted to compete with Greyhound and other bus companies

In order to drive innovative thinking, we use:

  • Sensemaking
  • Design thinking
  • Intra and extra industry Competitive analyses

Those are some core points. But we can do much more – tailor made to your business requirements and industry challenges.
Get in touch and let’s have a coffee.

Our Experince

Reis Axis team has previous experiences working in multinational companies, including:


That chose to go beyond the linear angle!

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Chamber of Commerce: 75769409

Eindhoven – The Netherlands

Reis Axis Consulting – 2023 | All Rights Reserved | Eindhoven | The Netherlands